Category Archives: Blog

Required Construction Documents Part 1: Registration Of Constructors (Form 1000) by Steven Silva

Before I allow any contractor to work for me on a construction project here in Ontario, I require 3 Documents to be provided: Registration of Constructors (Form 1000), Copy of a WSIB clearance certificate, Copy of their Health and Safety Policy. I have allowed work to start without contracts, quotes/estimates, and even without references BUT the first three MUST be provided. As I tended to work with smaller contractors, except for the WSIB clearance certificate, they usually had no idea what all the other two were. They also tended to be surprised when I would ask for a WSIB clearance certificate up front. Over the next three blogs I will discuss each one and why I think each one is so important. Continue reading

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Furnace UV Filter

I found this during my recent walk through a home. My client asked what that was. Oddly enough some one else asked me about them recently too. This is a UV Filter. They attach to the duct-work of a furnace. … Continue reading

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