What is Tarion? As seen in the December Snap South Simcoe Paper

Well it is official, I’m Published in the paper world too.  My first article on What Is Tarion was printed in the December Paper of Snap South Simcoe.  Here is the article:


New Homes in Ontario basically fall under two categories. Homes built for personal use and homes built for sale to customers. Both must meet the Ontario Building Code but only new homes built for customers fall under the New Home Warranty Program. In 1976, a Private Corporation was established to protect the rights of new home builders and buyers; known today as the Tarion Warranty Corporation.

Tarion is the regulator of Ontario’s new home and condo building industry.  Some of what Tarion does is: registers new home builders, enrolls new homes for warranty coverage, investigates illegal building practices and provides warranty dispute resolution between builders and homeowners.  Tarion helps to educate new home buyers about their warranty rights, and about how to protect and maintain their warranty.  Tarion also protects builders by setting realistic standards known as the Tarion Construction Performance Guidelines.  Many Current Tarion Board of Directors are presidents of home building companies.

Ontario new homes built for sale are covered under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act (Act).  The Act sets out warranty protection that builders of new homes and condominiums must provide to their customers. People that build a home for themselves and later sell it are not required to register and those homes are not covered by the New Home Warranty.

According to the Tarion.com web site, Tarion Corporation has paid over $190 million dollars in claims from its guarantee fund.  This only includes the monies paid out by Tarion directly; there is no way to calculate how much money has been saved by purchasers simply by Tarion’s involvement or threat of involvement.  The cost to taxpayers for this protection is null since Tarion is fully funded by builder registrations, renewals and home enrollment fees.  Over 1.45 million homes have been protected by Tarion so far. While the system is not perfect, and it requires purchasers to follow the proper procedures to get maximum protection, new home owners and builders in Ontario can be thankful there is a company working to protect their interests.

If there is something you would like me to write about or have a question send it to AskStevenSilva@gmail.com

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3 Responses to What is Tarion? As seen in the December Snap South Simcoe Paper

  1. Pingback: What is Tarion? As seen in the December Snap South Simcoe Paper (via Ask Realtor Steve) « 416er.com

  2. Jules Oille says:

    Tarion is an organization created by Builders. They created their self-governing body to avoid outside Government regulation. Well it’s high time the Government gets involved in regulating them as they do an awful job serving their customers.

    Read my related blog at:
    Tarion Dodges Responsibility to Pay Claims for Poor Condo Construction

  3. As I have written http://askstevensilva.ca/2010/04/07/tarion-protection-is-worthless-without-knowing-how-to-use-it/ I noticed that many of the issues you are mentioning are after the 2 year period. It is imperative you discover deficiencies during the PDI or at the 30 day mark (when you are usually most likely not prepared to fin them). You only have 1 year to claim defects in workmanship. Common elements ARE covered under the warranty but it is the Board not the individuals that need to go after the builder. I can assure you if you know how to use the system Tarion will enforce the guidelines. Unfortunatly, most buyers don’t meet the deadlines, trust the builder too much, or don’t know enough to protect themselves.
    You are right, the system was designed by builders and is not too consumer freindly again if you follow the dealines there is coverage. I would also caution to read my article http://askstevensilva.ca/2011/08/05/what-home-inspectors-dont-tell-you/ in your case a standard home inspection would NOT have protected you. In any case having a guide like a realtor experienced in New Homes is recommended! Best of luck and contact me if you need some guidance through the system.

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